2018 Katanning Ham Feast
December 26th, 2017 by vk6ld
2018 Katanning Hamfeast Report
Hi All,
A short report from the Katanning Ham Feast, held on 25 January 2018.
Many thanks to everyone who came along to the Southern Electronics Group Katanning Ham Feast last Thursday. It was great to see everyone and catch up for a chat and some lunch. It was a nice day for a drive down to the Royal Exchange Hotel and about 40 people were gathered for the 9th Katanning Ham Feast.
The popular Ham Feast raffle was won by VK6ATM Terry (Soldering Station). Raffle prizes were also won by Hazel VK6LR XYL, Kath VK6FBOS XYL, Warren VK6VET, Roy VK6FXLR and Ian VK6TWJ. I will find out from Chris VK6JI if he has any photos up on his website and post the link.
The Treasurer Bevan VK6BL also informed me he deposited a nice amount into the SEG bank account from raffle proceeds and membership renewals from the day.
The next Ham Feast is planned for Bridgetown around September 2018 (exact date is to be advised) and hoping you can all make it along.
Thanks again all for making it a great day.
73’s & Best Regards,
2018 Katanning Hamfeast
The next annual Katanning Hamfeast is to be held on Thursday 25 January 2018.
Start time is 12.00pm for lunch at Oscar’s Cafe at the Royal Exchange Hotel in Katanning. (Austral Terrace opposite the railway station)
As always, the meals & desserts are very good. Food and drinks are also very reasonably priced.
Menu: http://www.royalexchangewa.com.au/meals.html
This will be the 9th anniversary of the event and as always, YL’s, YM’s, XYL’s, XYM’s, wives, husbands and partners are also very welcome to attend.
Car pooling is encouraged and I would imagine we will have travellers from Albany, Manjimup and Perth areas heading to Katanning.
Please RSVP via the Contact Page by Thursday 18 January 2018 so I can making a booking with the cafe. Meals can be ordered on the day. If you already have a name badge from a previous Ham Feast, please bring it with you and if you require a name badge, please let me know and I’m sure Geoff VK6YR will make some up for the event.
Please pass the word around and I look forward to seeing you there!
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