2022 Mayanup Ham-Camption
July 3rd, 2022 by vk6ld
The Mayanup chapter of the Southern Electronics Group would like to invite hams and their wives, husbands, partners, significant others or even interested friends to attend our inaugural field event on the 10th and 11th of September 2022.
Mayanup Ham-Camption is an informal camp-out and radio get-away weekend where we can use and discuss practical projects for your radio and antennae in an open area with plenty of tall trees and great facilities.
Food and beverages are all BYO, but if there is enough interest we can bring orders of take away from town on the Saturday night.
The grounds are large with plenty of space for your caravan, tent or swag with some indoor shed room in case it gets a bit wet.
If you choose to visit but would prefer a more civilised motel or bed and breakfast, there are many available from 10 to 30 minutes from Mayanup. There is limited power available on the grounds, so self contained power is preferred. There are toilets and showers, and camping will be $10pp/pn.
The event is focused on the weekend, but campers are welcome to arrive on the Friday afternoon or evening, but if you are planning to do this please let me know beforehand.
As this is the first time we have run this event, please be patient and feel free to suggest changes or additions. We would like to see it succeed and grow for next year.
For further details and to register your interest please contact VK6EK Darren at <vksixek@gmail.com>

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